Davidoff Anniversario No. 3
6 in x 50 RG
Strength: Medium
Provenance: Dominican Republic
The Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 cigar is one of Davidoff’s most complex blends of tobaccos, yet the cigar is extremely smooth and medium bodied. The Aniversario #3 has a tremendous taste, but can be enjoyed by the novice smoker or the most seasoned smoker. This extremely well made cigar is like smoking candy, delicate in taste but will leave you asking for another.
The Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 created in the popular Toro format, is the strongest cigar in the Aniversario line. A fine aroma of cedar and elegant essences of wood develops from the beginning, while a richer, slightly spicy notes start to take hold of this complex cigar. This harmonious blend of Dominican tobaccos and a beautiful Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper create a outstanding medium-body, full of taste smoking pleasure.
Davidoff is synonymous with luxury, as well as the finest handmade Dominican cigars. Created to celebrate the 80th birthday of Zino Davidoff in 1986, the Aniversario Series was born. While the Aniversario No. 1 was the first of its formats, it was so successful that two other vitolas were created. All three vitolas have a unique complexity and strength to them, making Aniversario the perfect cigar series to celebrate any occasion.
Connoisseur’s rating: 97/100